hans nicholas jong
In revising its criminal code, Indonesia risks unraveling environmental laws
The latest draft of Indonesia's criminal code contains provisions that would make it more difficult to prosecute environmental crimes, such as dumping toxic waste in rivers and setting forest fires, experts say.
Raid against Sumatran official uncovers use of slave labor on oil palm farm
Proposal could redefine palm oil-driven deforestation as reforestation in Indonesia
Indonesia slashes 2021 mangrove restoration target, vows to make up in 2022
Indonesia has lost much of its mangroves to shrimp farms and logging, which have also undone previous efforts at mangrove rehabilitation.
Palm oil plantations, coal mines linked to deadly Indonesia flood
Environmentalists have attributed recent heavy floods in southern Indonesian Borneo to widespread deforestation for oil palm plantations and coal mines.
Agribusiness giants ADM, Bunge trading in ‘conflict’ palm oil, report says
A report by Global Witness has found that more than 100 Indonesian palm oil mills supplying agribusiness giants ADM and Bunge have been accused of land and human rights violations and environmental destruction.
State neglect means Indigenous Papuans’ victory over palm oil firm is shaky
Without this official recognition from the central government, the forest can still be licensed out for agriculture, activists point out.