federal heat policy lacking

Federal heat policy ignores deadly risks despite increasing climate dangers

Extreme heat is killing more Americans than any other weather-related event, but federal policies remain focused on protecting people from cold.

Thomas Frank reports for Politico.

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indigenous land rights sovereignty

States profit from lands on tribal reservations, hindering tribal sovereignty

Tribes are forced to lease their own lands from states, which profit from resources like timber, gas, and minerals, while tribal sovereignty and environmental management are undermined.

Anna V. Smith and Maria Parazo Rose report for High Country News and Grist.

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Senator Whitehouse & climate change

Senator Whitehouse puts climate change on budget committee’s agenda

For more than a decade, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse gave daily warnings about the mounting threat of climate change. Now he has a powerful new perch.
air quality children's health

London's low-emission zone got kids out of cars and onto their feet

A year after London's clean air zone was enforced, 40% of children began walking or biking to school instead of being driven, according to new research.

Syris Valentine reports for Grist.

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Illinois carbon capture project faces early corrosion issues, raising long-term safety concerns

Illinois carbon capture project faces early corrosion issues, raising long-term safety concerns

The nation’s first carbon capture and storage project, located in Decatur, IL, has violated Safe Drinking Water Act regulations due to corrosion in a monitoring well, according to the EPA.

Sharon Kelly reports for DeSmog.

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A pipeline explosion in Texas causes evacuation and damages homes

A pipeline explosion in Texas causes evacuation and damages homes

A pipeline fire ignited after a vehicle struck a valve near Houston, prompting investigations and an evacuation of nearly 1,000 homes.

Juan A. Lozano reports for The Associated Press.

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Car travel now exceeds pre-pandemic levels in most US cities

Car travel now exceeds pre-pandemic levels in most US cities

A recent report shows that vehicle miles traveled in the US have risen 12% since 2019, with New York City’s urban core seeing the largest increase.

Linda Poon reports for Bloomberg.

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State climate plans could face major changes if Trump returns to the White House

State climate plans could face major changes if Trump returns to the White House

As states implement ambitious climate projects with federal funding, many are concerned that a Trump victory in the upcoming election could reverse much of their progress.

Alex Brown reports for Stateline.

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Nicholas Kristof: Climate change’s overlooked impacts on daily life

Nicholas Kristof: Climate change’s overlooked impacts on daily life

Rising global temperatures are quietly affecting human health, education, and behavior, not just fueling apocalyptic scenarios.

Nicholas Kristof writes for The New York Times.

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Biden faces pressure to increase Arctic conservation efforts

Biden faces pressure to increase Arctic conservation efforts

Over 50 Democratic lawmakers are urging the Biden administration to expand protections in the Arctic, citing growing climate concerns and threats from development.

Zack Budryk reports for The Hill.

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Climate-friendly eating is already happening, one farm at a time

Climate-friendly eating is already happening, one farm at a time

Ecologist Mark Easter’s new book, The Blue Plate, shows how small shifts in farming and food consumption can help curb climate change by reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint.

Ayurella Horn-Muller reports for Grist.

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Eelgrass beds are shrinking along Maine's coastline, threatening ecosystems

Eelgrass beds are shrinking along Maine's coastline, threatening ecosystems

Eelgrass, a vital coastal plant that helps prevent erosion and store carbon, is disappearing from Maine's waters, worrying scientists about its impact on climate and marine habitats.

Murray Carpenter reports for The New York Times.

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Heavy storm floods Central Europe, leading to deaths and widespread damage

Heavy storm floods Central Europe, leading to deaths and widespread damage

A rare combination of weather patterns led to Storm Boris, which unleashed record rainfall, flooding, and snowfall across central Europe, killing at least 12 people.

Dan Stillman and Kate Brady report for The Washington Post.

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