homeland security

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coal plants repurposed for battery storage
Record-breaking heat wave intensifies across the Southwest
Biden considers emergency session of Congress for disaster relief
California exempts prisons from workplace heat protections despite risks to inmates
Climate change poses a widening threat to national security

Climate change poses a widening threat to national security

Intelligence and defense agencies issued reports warning that the warming planet will increase strife between countries and spur migration.
Bill Nye testifies before Congress about impacts of climate change on homeland security

Bill Nye testifies before Congress about impacts of climate change on homeland security

Bill Nye is expected to testify before Congress about impacts of climate change on homeland security.
‘Climate change’ is back, 'illegal alien' is out. New administration changes language of government

‘Climate change’ is back, 'illegal alien' is out. New administration changes language of government

“The president has been clear to all of us — words matter, tone matters and civility matters,” said Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary.
Climate change activists calls for economic shutdown to decarbonize

Climate change activists calls for economic shutdown to decarbonize

When it comes to climate change, the time for screwing around has long passed, says Roger Hallam. He actually didn't say "screwing around," choosing a less-printable verb, but you get the message.