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emissions climate migration disaster
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Looking for home in an overheating world: If emissions continue, will we all be migrants someday?

Where will we go to find safety from fire, floods, and extreme storms then? How long will those of us uprooted from our homes have to stay in evacuation sanctuaries? Will we ever find home again?

climate flooding migration

Many coastal residents willing to relocate in the face of sea level rise

As seas rise, water is increasingly creeping into homes and neighborhoods. And over time, a growing number of coastal residents will need to decide whether to accept frequent flooding or move.

moving species climate impacts

Moving species emerges as last resort as climate warms

In a desperate effort to save a seabird species in Hawaii from rising ocean waters, scientists are moving chicks to a new island hundreds of miles away. Moving species to save them — once considered taboo — is quickly gaining traction as climate change upends habitats.