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coal plant
Computer screen with  line graphs monitoring stock market activity.
Helicopter dropping water onto active fire.
Oil pump jack with the sunset in the background
environmental impact of Russia’s invasion

The environmental impact of Russia’s invasion goes beyond Ukraine – how do we deal with ‘problems without passports’?

Ecological damage, risk of nuclear accident and the economic fallout from war all affect countries well beyond the conflict zone. How should the world deal with these borderless threats?

auckland flooding climate

NZ cities urgently need to become 'spongier' – but system change will be expensive

Flood and cyclone damage shows why turning Auckland and other urban parts of New Zealand into ‘sponge cities’ is the right idea. But overseas experience from China and beyond shows it won’t be cheap.
population growth climate change

Curb population growth to tackle climate change: Now that's a tough ask

If we want a liveable future for our grandchildren is it ethical to reduce the number of people being born into that world?
Why municipal waste-to-energy incineration is not the answer to NZ's plastic waste crisis

Why municipal waste-to-energy incineration is not the answer to NZ's plastic waste crisis

Waste-to-energy incineration has been raised as a solution to the global plastic waste problem, but the technology adds pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and encourages more waste production.
Michael Petterson: How growth in population and consumption drives planetary change

Michael Petterson: How growth in population and consumption drives planetary change

Discussions about climate change often skirt around the issue of population growth, but it is the main driver of rising carbon dioxide levels and many other environmental changes on a planetary scale.
David Hall: Why our response to climate change needs to be a just and careful revolution that limits pushback

David Hall: Why our response to climate change needs to be a just and careful revolution that limits pushback

Climate change is a super-wicked problem. With a growing sense of urgency to act on climate change, it is vital we strike a balance between encouraging action and limiting pushback.
Children living in green neighbourhoods are less likely to develop asthma

Children living in green neighbourhoods are less likely to develop asthma

New research shows that children who live in greener neighbourhoods are less likely to develop asthma, and that the more diverse the plant life is, the more they are protected.