ocean heat wave

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How the 'Blob' left a lasting mark on ocean life in California
Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

How the 'Blob' left a lasting mark on ocean life in California

Six years on, a prolonged ocean heat wave known as the Blob has altered the makeup of marine life off the coast of California, new research shows.

Pacific heat wave impacts on marine species

Pacific heat wave had lasting impacts on Gulf of Alaska marine species

Some fish, like certain populations of herring, are rebounding more rapidly. But taken altogether, the data paints the picture of an ecosystem still reeling from a warming ocean.
As wildfires hit Australia, ocean warming from climate change endangers Tasmania

As wildfires hit Australia, ocean warming from climate change endangers Tasmania

Tasmanian Aboriginals faced genocide, and now extreme climate change is threatening what’s left of their culture.
Human emissions made ocean heat wave 53 times more likely

Human emissions made ocean heat wave 53 times more likely

Three 2016 marine heat waves that killed whales, birds, corals, and shellfish from Australia to Alaska were many times more likely thanks to climate change.