polyethylene terephthalate

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CNX Shapiro fracking
Universities' ties to fossil fuel firms may stall climate progress, study warns
Nike investors seek changes on climate, labor and gender equity policies, but their proposals face rejection
Republicans push bill to speed energy project approvals
plastic-degrading microbe emerging tech

NC State researchers engineer 'promising' plastic-degrading microbe to help polluted oceans

North Carolina State University researchers have genetically modified bacteria to break down ocean-polluting plastics commonly used in water bottles and clothing.
waste picker pollution toxics
Big Stock Photo

How waste pickers are helping to win the war on plastic pollution

There are an estimated 20 million waste pickers across the world, an informal army of street cleaners whose work goes largely unrecognised. Yet to some they are environmental stewards, clearing away the flotsam and jetsam of everyday life, often in countries where regular waste collection services are non-existent.
green solution to vinyl records
Scouse Smurf/Flickr

Is there a green solution to the vinyl record backlog?

Green Vinyl Records is taking the vinyl out of vinyl to offer more environmentally-friendly LPs.
Chemical recycling & the plastic waste problem

Companies are placing big bets on plastics recycling. Are the odds in their favor?

Chemical recycling is attracting billions in capital spending, but environmentalists don't think it will solve the plastic waste problem.

Why bioplastics will not solve the world's plastics problem

Why bioplastics will not solve the world's plastics problem

The idea that bottles and packaging made of plant-based material can simply be discarded and then break down and disappear is false – recycling and reuse are the only strategies that can work.

This wood is key to wind power. Too bad there's a shortage

This wood is key to wind power. Too bad there's a shortage

Balsa wood is light and strong — and without it, wind power gets a lot more complicated.
We know plastic bottles are choking our planet. So why are companies still selling them?

We know plastic bottles are choking our planet. So why are companies still selling them?

If we all agree plastic bottles are a problem, why do companies still sell them?