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Opinion: Building climate resilience fails to protect human health

Opinion: Building climate resilience fails to protect human health

The Department of Health and Human Services' focus on climate resilience is insufficient to address the extensive health impacts of climate change.

David Introcaso writes for Undark Magazine.

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canada wildfire prevention

Canada revisits ancient prevention tactics to battle wildfires

A movement to fight wildfires by making forests more resilient and, in some cases, deliberately setting blazes is gaining ground in Canada.
maui wildfires climate

A lesson from Maui: Wildfire risk affects us cities and towns everywhere

Experts like Kimiko Barrett say there are profound lessons in the historic fires for communities across the US, where far more dollars are spent putting out flames than preventing them.

agriculture food canada climate

44% of Canadians fear climate change will impact food security

Canada is a net exporter of food with federal analysts predicting an increase in the number of frost-free days would actually boost production.

Smoky skies shouldn’t be the new normal. Lawmakers need to act

Smoky skies shouldn’t be the new normal. Lawmakers need to act

Sate and federal officials are saying that wildfires and smoke are the new normal in the West. Lawmakers must change that.