
Top Tweets
Leonard Leo’s group criticizes efforts to educate judges on climate issues
UN food agency criticized for not revising livestock emissions report
Nickel exploration ramps up in Michigan and Minnesota amid rising EV battery demand
Wildfires make it harder for forests to regrow as replanting faces major hurdles
climate impacts biodiversity

Survey suggests climate change has reduced presence of invasive Argentine ants

A nearly 30-year survey, conducted at Stanford's Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, has found that the distribution of Argentine ants has shrunk as a result of climate change. Meanwhile, native species are faring better.

Eco-anxiety: Taking its toll on global youth

Eco-anxiety: Taking its toll on global youth

Day after day, week after week, the steady drum-beat of climate change issues - from melting ice caps to Australian infernos - is exacting a global mental health toll. And no one feels the heat more than young people.

Climate change, booming population threaten Yellowstone area

Climate change, booming population threaten Yellowstone area

The Greater Yellowstone area is facing two great threats – a rapidly warming climate and rapid population growth, says one of Montana State University’s leading scientists.
Sydney desalination plant not toxic to marine life and may soon restart as dam levels drop

Sydney desalination plant not toxic to marine life and may soon restart as dam levels drop

A study into Sydney's desalination plant has found it is not toxic to marine life, as the drought-stricken state prepares to switch it on for the first time since 2012.