rainforest alliance

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coal plants repurposed for battery storage
Record-breaking heat wave intensifies across the Southwest
Biden considers emergency session of Congress for disaster relief
California exempts prisons from workplace heat protections despite risks to inmates
climate-smart ethical rainforest growers

Rainforest Alliance aims to help ethical growers get climate-smart

Upgraded certification scheme, covering over 2 million farmers, will use technology to help them adapt to climate change, protect forests and spot social risks
Want a green Valentine’s Day gift? Don’t buy chocolate. Or roses

Want a green Valentine’s Day gift? Don’t buy chocolate. Or roses

It takes quite a bit of carbon to get these traditional tokens of romance from farm fields into your sweetheart’s hands.
Mars Inc. vowed to stop deforestation in West Africa. It failed

Mars Inc. vowed to stop deforestation in West Africa. It failed

A decade after Mars and other chocolate makers vowed to stop rampant deforestation, the problem has gotten worse.

Sri Lankan tea farmers sense trouble brewing over glyphosate ban

Sri Lankan tea farmers sense trouble brewing over glyphosate ban

Tea farmers in Sri Lanka want their government to reauthorize the use of glyphosate for agriculture.