IFC's Diop calls for more climate financing for emerging markets
Climate change is "the greatest commercial opportunity" facing the world, but more needs to be done to boost private sector investment in developing markets, an International Finance Corporation executive has said.
Senegalese plant circular gardens in Green Wall defence against desert
Moussa Kamara is part of a project that aims to create hundreds of circular gardens - known as 'Tolou Keur' in Senegal's Wolof language - that organisers hope will boost food security, reduce regional desertification and engage thousands of community workers.
Paris to make motorcyclists pay for parking from 2022
Biden says U.S., Canada to work toward achieving net zero emissions by 2050
U.S. President Joe Biden says that he and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have agreed to work toward achieving net zero emissions by 2050.
Elon Musk to offer $100 million prize for 'best' carbon capture tech
Trump delays increase in fuel economy penalties at auto industry request
The Trump administration has agreed to an auto industry request to delay the start of dramatically higher penalties for companies that fail to meet fuel efficiency requirements, a move that could save the industry hundreds of millions of dollars or more.
World Bank to invest $5 billion in 11 African countries
The World Bank says it will invest over $5 billion over the next five years to help restore degraded landscapes, improve agriculture productivity, and promote livelihoods in 11 African countries as they recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.