Solutions Willo lets you subscribe to your own plot of indoor-grown greens With a subscription, Willo will manage a spot in an LED-powered indoor farm for you, delivering you greens every week.
Solutions The UAE is investing $100 million in indoor farming With little water, scorching temperatures, and not much arable land, the UAE currently imports 80% of its food. Can it go local?
Top Story Here’s how a ‘circular economy’ could save the world The vision of a “circular economy”—where we use resources sparingly and recycle endlessly—is inspiring businesses and environmentalists alike.
Solutions This former steel mill will soon be a tech-filled greenhouse The next Gotham Greens location will convert old industry in Baltimore into a hydroponic farm, to provide local produce (and jobs).
Solutions This company wants to build a giant indoor farm next to every major city in the world Vertical farming may finally be growing up.
Op-ed: “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you” — disabling environments in Cancer Alley and the Ohio River Valley