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Indigenous Amazon land management
petrochemicals Texas
Europe struggles with energy transition
Harris shifts stance, backs domestic oil expansion amid fracking debate
whitehaven coal pollution toxics
Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash

Coalmines pollute much more than their operators predicted when they sought approval

Whitehaven Coal's underground mine in northern NSW is polluting the atmosphere with more than three times the direct greenhouse gas emissions it forecast it would emit when it received environmental approval in 2015.

In a fight over a Colombian coal mine, COVID-19 raises the stakes

In a fight over a Colombian coal mine, COVID-19 raises the stakes

The Indigenous Wayuu people have long battled the Cerrejón coal mine. Amid Covid-19, they're now appealing to the U.N.
This hydrogen-powered truck will shrink mining's footprint

This hydrogen-powered truck will shrink mining's footprint

Mining is a dirty business, but we need to keep doing it to power the transition to renewables. This new truck is designed to eliminate one of the industry’s main sources of emissions.