One of Australia’s most-loved mammals, the platypus, is being pushed towards the “brink of extinction” by climate threats and habitat destruction, researchers say.
Dozens of teenagers and indigenous rights activists have been thrown out of United Nations climate talks after staging a protest to demand nations commit to act now to avert catastrophic climate change.
Australia has sent Energy Minister Angus Taylor to the final days of a climate summit in Spain, where senior figures from around the world are likely to look at him in dismay.
Sydney and Melbourne could experience 50C summer days before the end of the century if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, a new report highlights.
Massive tolls on our roads. Not being able to afford your own car. Being forced to live in a high-rise apartment with no backyard. Having to get a ticket just to go to the beach.
Climate change: Australia seen as ‘disconnected from reality’ on world stage