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Donald Trump
Former US President Joe Biden speaks at a podium with a blue background and British and UN flags alongside him.
A view of a hurricane as seen from space, with the arm of satellite equipment.
The U.S. capitol building in Washington, DC on a sunny day.
joe biden co2 emissions

Biden car rules won't account for Trump-era CO2

The Biden administration is preparing car rules that could eventually surpass Obama-era emissions reductions. But it could take years to achieve stringent carbon decreases.
epa co2 emissions climate

EPA races to draft interim auto standards for CO2

President Biden's EPA is expected to draft interim auto emissions standards based on an agreement last year between California and five car companies, according to sources following the matter.

epa climate politics clean car standards

White House warned EPA about legal concerns, 'spurious' tone

White House economists gave a blunt warning to EPA: Its rollback of clean car standards was on shaky legal ground.
States face roadblocks on path to lower tailpipe emissions

States face roadblocks on path to lower tailpipe emissions

Amid efforts by the Trump administration to roll back climate change regulations, several blue and purple states have sought to strengthen their own rules. But they've faced significant obstacles.
Trump makes U-turn on fuel economy standards

Trump makes U-turn on fuel economy standards

Trump is backing off a controversial freeze of fuel economy standards, marking a dramatic shift in his rollback of Obama-era clean car rules, according to a person familiar with the matter.

5 questions about the surprise deal

5 questions about the surprise deal

The deal inked between automakers and California raises questions about the industry's greenhouse gas emissions and whether the Trump administration will react aggressively.
Blame game defines contentious 5-hour hearing

Blame game defines contentious 5-hour hearing

Trump administration officials sparred with lawmakers yesterday over the rollback of Obama-era clean car standards.