climate adaptation plan

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extreme heat & vulnerable populations
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
geo-engineering potential solutions
Toxic coal ash complicates Chapel Hill redevelopment plans
climate adaptation strategy canada

Canada unveils new climate adaptation strategy with more than $1-billion commitment

Canada's first climate adaptation strategy was unveiled today, and commits the federal government to new construction guidelines and standards in areas prone to flooding and wildfires.
Putin fears melting permafrost doubts human-caused

Putin fears melting permafrost, but expresses doubt it is caused by humans

The Russian president underlines that melting ground in the Arctic could have devastating effects on his country. But he remains hesitant about the fact that it is provoked by human activity.
NWT flooded homes raised and relocated

GNWT says flood coverage is a one-off as homes relocated

The NWT government says this year's pledge to cover repair costs for flooded homes won't be repeated, in part as homes at risk are being raised and relocated.
Without an official statewide climate plan, Missourians must look elsewhere for direction

Without an official statewide climate plan, Missourians must look elsewhere for direction

Missouri's agriculture industry will face the harsh realities of the climate emergency if action isn't taken.