climate data
‘Magic numbers’ are clouding the climate debate
Better metrics would allow scientists to link abstract data with everyday experience.
This climate action tracker shows exactly where we are on the path to
With so many factors involved, it can be hard to keep track of exactly which indicators are moving in the right direction. A new site collects the data in one place.
The role of accessible satellite data in climate change
While global leaders convene to discuss and debate solutions, how we measure and track the problem presents challenges we rarely acknowledge.
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
Can you see climate change? Mapping tools turn millions of data points into visual representations
Without visualizations like maps and graphs, scientists, the public and policymakers would never know how the climate is changing and what can be done about it.
Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash
Indigenous communities outline their climate data priorities
Native American tribal communities are actively engaged in adapting to climate change. What information and data will help them build resilience to the new normal?
How to use The Post’s climate data analysis
The Post is now making its analysis of U.S. climate data accessible to the public to promote a deeper understanding of the regional and local effects of climate change.
Coronavirus could disrupt weather forecasting
The amount of atmospheric data routinely gathered by commercial airliners has dropped sharply as a result of the coronavirus, the World Meteorological Organization announced.