co2 driver

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Deforestation triggering natural calamities in Indonesia

Deforestation triggering natural calamities in Indonesia

Palm oil production in Indonesia has been held responsible for cutting down vast swathes of tropical forests and killing biodiversity. Now, deforestation may also be the reason why the region is witnessing flash floods.
Min. utility regulators give final stamp of approval to $2.6B Enbridge pipeline project

Min. utility regulators give final stamp of approval to $2.6B Enbridge pipeline project

Challenges are expected to the ruling, and the project also needs several federal and state permits before it can proceed.
Russia′s forests threatened by illegal logging

Russia′s forests threatened by illegal logging

Almost half of Russia is covered with forests. However, much of the vast country's woodlands, which absorb millions of tons of CO2, are under threat from mismanagement, illegal deforestation and corruption.