Beyond Montreal: A year on has the world lived up to the promises made at nature summit?
As Colombia announces it will host the next biodiversity meeting, there is cautious optimism about the progress made since Cop15.
Beyond Montreal: Six months after deal to halt biodiversity loss, where are we?
There have been gains and losses since the Cop15 agreement was signed in December, with key moments still to come ahead of the next biodiversity Cop in Turkey in 2024.
Overconsumption by the rich must be tackled, says acting UN biodiversity chief
Wealthy countries and businesses should act now to ensure success of historic nature agreement signed at Cop15 in Montreal.
The King co-writes children's climate change book
Proposed EU nature restoration law could be the first big step toward achieving COP15’s ambitious plan to staunch biodiversity loss
The law making its way through the European Parliament aims to ease the accelerating extinction crisis and slow climate change, but has a long road to passage and some formidable adversaries.
Canada made big promises at COP15. Will it follow through?
Historic biodiversity agreement reached at UN conference
The agreement includes a commitment to protect 30% of land and water considered important for biodiversity by 2030, and has been coined “30 by 30.” The percentage would be an increase on the 17% of terrestrial and 10% of marine areas currently protected.