criminal activity

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Two scientists in lab coats look at a computer screen displaying a colorful image from a molecular microscope.
A group of young, diverse scientists work in a laboratory.
Fire department personnel wearing protective gear walk along a street with the burned rubble of former homes.
Looking down on a city in the desert with mountains in the background.
Batista Brothers anti-environmentalists
Credit: Agência Senado/Flickr

The billionaire brothers who are giving the Kochs a run for their money

Wesley and Joesley Batista run a business empire linked to rampant emissions, deforestation, worker abuses, Covid crises, bribery, price-fixing, SEC violations, and tainted meat. It’s almost impressive.
ohio politics energy scandal

Ohioans keep paying for Republicans’ dirty energy scandal

Two Ohio politicians will be sentenced to potentially years in prison this week for their role in a scandal to prop up failing forms of energy. Somehow, Ohioans are still paying those bills.
FirstEnergy Ohio bailout corruption

Corrupt Ohio utility bailout sprung out of fertile ground, recordings show

When FirstEnergy made huge contributions between 2017 and 2019 to get a giant bailout from the Ohio government, the deal was developed in a corrupt ecosystem, secret recordings and other evidence presented in federal court Wednesday showed.
violent crime in the Amazon
Amazônia Real/Flickr

Brazil police: Businessman ordered killings of men in Amazon

Brazilian police said Monday they planned to indict a Colombian fish trader as the mastermind of last year's slayings of Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira and British journalist Dom Phillips.

bioremediation in oil-soaked Nigeria

The Nigerian woman cleaning up a land soaked in oil

Eucharia Nwaichi takes on saboteurs and companies to detoxify one of the most polluted areas on Earth.
how illegal gold from Indigenous lands gets laundered in Brazil

Raids reveal how illegal gold from Indigenous lands gets laundered in Brazil

Coordinated raids on mining company Gana Gold have revealed how gold mined illegally in Indigenous territories and other protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon makes its way into the legitimate trade.

Organized crime drives violence and deforestation in the Amazon
Sam Beebe/Flickr

Organized crime drives violence and deforestation in the Amazon, study shows

The deaths of journalist Dom Phillips and Indigenous rights defender Bruno Pereira in June this year exposed an interlocking web of crime involving drug trafficking, money laundering, and illegal fishing deep in the Brazilian Amazon.