Climate change adds questions to Supreme Court case on Navajo water
In Arizona v. Navajo Nation, tribal attorneys argue that, by not providing their nation with sufficient water, the United States has breached a trust obligation related to treaties settled in 1849 and 1868.
Funding for Wisconsin farm conservation programs could nearly double
A sweeping federal investment in combating climate change will almost double the amount of money Wisconsin receives for some of its farm conservation programs, meaning more farmers will be able to get help protecting their soil, reducing runoff and improving water quality.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Environmentalists are delaying green energy revolution
Climate change shrinking birds in North and South America, study says
Birds in both North and South America are getting smaller as the planet warms, and the smallest-bodied species are changing the fastest, a study reported Monday.
Stanford medical researchers and administrators discuss how to make U.S. health care more sustainable
Climate change hurting mental health of Oregon's youth
Increasing extreme weather events and increased awareness of the negative impacts of climate change are leading to feelings of hopelessness, despair, anxiety and frustration among the state’s young people, a new report from the Oregon Health Authority says.
Jordan’s worsening water crisis a warning for the world
Dwindling water supplies and a growing population will halve per capita water use in Jordan by the end of this century.