edward markey
Some lawmakers want to pair a Russian oil embargo with climate action. Will it work?
Remember cap-and-trade? It offers lessons for the Build Back Better Act, former congressman says
Kerry: China described climate change as 'crisis' for the first time
U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry emphasized what he said was progress on negotiating with China on carbon emissions, saying Beijing had described climate change as a “crisis" for the first time.
Democrats decry 'pandemic of pollution' under Trump's EPA
Democrats on Wednesday blasted the Trump administration's moves to roll back environmental regulations during the coronavirus crisis, with one senator saying a "pandemic of pollution'' has been released.
Democrats spar over environmental impact of Trump's North America trade deal
Fear and loathing of the Green New Deal
What the backlash to the emergency legislation reveals about the age-old pathologies of the right.
Planet savior or horror show? Green New Deal inflames debate
To Democratic supporters, the Green New Deal is a touchstone, a call to arms to combat climate change with the full measure of the nation's resources and technological might. "A mission to save all of creation," in the words of Massachusetts Sen. Edward Markey, one the plan's lead authors.