elizabeth klein

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biden offshore energy chief liz klein
Photo by Maria Lupan on Unsplash

Meet Biden's new offshore energy chief

More quickly than almost all of President Joe Biden’s political appointees, Elizabeth Klein became a target for her perceived hostility to oil drilling on public lands.

Elizabeth Klein new director of Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Critic of fossil fuels to lead key off-shore oil agency for Biden

The administration plans to name Elizabeth Klein the new director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, which also oversees offshore-wind development.

Biden’s pick for No. 2 at Interior has numerous ties to fossil fuels

Biden’s pick for No. 2 at Interior has numerous ties to fossil fuels

Tommy Beaudreau has a long list of potential conflicts of interest, including former clients in the coal, oil, gas and renewable energy sectors.
As Interior becomes a battlefield for President Biden’s climate agenda, Sen. Joe Manchin III weighs in

As Interior becomes a battlefield for President Biden’s climate agenda, Sen. Joe Manchin III weighs in

The struggle over a top Interior Department leadership post is just one example how the agency has become the first major battlefield in the brewing fight over President Biden’s climate change.
Murkowski tanks Interior nominee

White House yanks Interior nominee after Murkowski opposition

The oil state senator is said to have opposed another progressive Democrat to department leadership.