environmental conservation department

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Leonard Leo’s group criticizes efforts to educate judges on climate issues
UN food agency criticized for not revising livestock emissions report
Nickel exploration ramps up in Michigan and Minnesota amid rising EV battery demand
Wildfires make it harder for forests to regrow as replanting faces major hurdles
These wetlands helped stop flooding from Sandy. Now a BJ's may move in

These wetlands helped stop flooding from Sandy. Now a BJ's may move in

A group of Staten Island residents concerned about climate change is challenging the project.
Get ready, New York: The plastic bag ban is starting

Get ready, New York: The plastic bag ban is starting

A statewide law, which takes effect on Sunday, forbids businesses from providing the single-use bags that many shoppers rely on.
How to get rid of 9,000 tons of toxic topsoil

How to get rid of 9,000 tons of toxic topsoil

The ball fields of Red Hook, Brooklyn, were built on the site of a lead-smelting plant. Decades later, the cleanup begins.