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Sharing cross-border water resources

Sharing cross-border water resources: Cooperation or conflict?

From the Euphrates to the Mekong, dams that ensure one country's water supply risk leaving others parched. But shared water resources can be a source of peace as well as conflict. 
Drought and abundance in the Mesopotamian marshes

Drought and abundance in the Mesopotamian marshes

Once vengefully drained by Saddam Hussein, the wetlands in southeastern Iraq have since been partially restored. Now the region and its isolated settlements face a new set of challenges.
Catastrophic drought threatens Iraq as major dams in surrounding countries cut off water to its great rivers

Catastrophic drought threatens Iraq as major dams in surrounding countries cut off water to its great rivers

After decades of war – including the last battle against Isis – Iraq is in danger of losing the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates.