extinction crisis

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Biden's green energy policies are expected to save lives and grow jobs, reports show
In a first, U.S. appoints a diplomat for plants and animals

In a first, U.S. appoints a diplomat for plants and animals

For the first time, the United States is designating a special diplomat to advocate for global biodiversity amid what policymakers here and overseas increasingly recognize as an extinction crisis.

For past 12,000 years, traditional land uses have actually encouraged biodiversity, report says

For past 12,000 years, traditional land uses have actually encouraged biodiversity, report says

Researchers say we must recognize and embrace more traditional land management practices already developed by Indigenous peoples.

Endangered-species decision expected on beloved butterfly

Endangered-species decision expected on beloved butterfly

Trump administration officials are expected to say this week whether the monarch butterfly, a colorful and familiar backyard visitor now caught in a global extinction crisis, should receive federal designation as a threatened species.

Stopping mass species extinction is possible

Extinction crisis: ′The window of opportunity is closing′

Stopping mass species extinction is possible if the world pulls together, says leading ecologist Gerardo Ceballos in an interview with DW.
Australia’s bushfires: An extinction crisis decades in the making

Australia’s bushfires: An extinction crisis decades in the making

Hundreds of blazes could push threatened species closer to extinction. But the roots of Australia’s wildlife crisis are indicative of a much larger problem.
Connelly: Trump to Earth's wild creatures — Go extinct

Connelly: Trump to Earth's wild creatures — Go extinct

The Trump Administration is hell-bent on taking habitat away from threatened and endangered species: It is green lighting giant mines, opening public lands to oil drilling, and gutting the federal law that offered protection.

'People should be terrified': One teen's hunger strike over the climate crisis

Giovanni Tamacas starved himself for 10 days in the US capital to protest about a 'criminally complicit' government's inaction.