far right environmentalism

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Climate denial is waning on the right. What’s replacing it might be just as scary

Climate denial is waning on the right. What’s replacing it might be just as scary

The wrapping of ecological disaster with fears of rampant immigration is a narrative that has flourished in far-right fringe movements in Europe and the US.

Has coronavirus revived eco-fascism?

Has coronavirus revived eco-fascism?

In America, environmentalism is often seen as a left-wing partisan issue. But in other parts of the world, and at different points in history, environmentalists have also had right-wing motivations too.

France’s far right wants to be an environmental party, too

France’s far right wants to be an environmental party, too

Rooted in the idealization of the land and French identity, the National Rally’s approach focuses on the local and dovetails with its push to strengthen borders.