farmworker rights

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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
California condor with a numbered wing band soaring against a cloud-streaked sky.
A diverse group of protesters holding signs in support of science stand at a barricade.
A Sámi woman in a fur hat feeds a reindeer from a bucket against a snowy mountain backdrop.
Vilsack’s checkoff problem

Vilsack’s checkoff problem

Tom Vilsack is back in charge of U.S. agriculture, promising to address racial equity, climate change and farmworker safety. But is he willing to willingness to tackle Big Ag's power over farmers?

The People’s Agroecology Process brings a global lens to U.S. food justice

The People’s Agroecology Process brings a global lens to U.S. food justice

Farmers from across the Americas are working together to envision a new food system based on food sovereignty and political justice.
An app for farmworkers' rights makes its way into the fields

An app for farmworkers' rights makes its way into the fields

CalorApp, developed by a high school student, will alert farmworkers of dangerous temperatures and allow them to report unsafe work practices.