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Two scientists in lab coats look at a computer screen displaying a colorful image from a molecular microscope.
A group of young, diverse scientists work in a laboratory.
Fire department personnel wearing protective gear walk along a street with the burned rubble of former homes.
Looking down on a city in the desert with mountains in the background.
cop26 climate politics pilgrims

Camino to Cop26: Climate pilgrims walk 135 miles to promote film

Stars of a film about a 500-mile trek to Scotland for Cop26 hit the road again for the Bristol premiere.

In Indonesian mining region, the EV boom takes a heavy toll

In Indonesian mining region, the EV boom takes a heavy toll

The green electric vehicle revolution has a decidedly dirty side, and the Winner of the 2022 Yale Environment 360 Film Contest — “From Dreams to Dust” — vividly tells the story of the high cost of nickel mining through the life of an Indonesian mine worker.
solar window panels climate solutions good news

What’s hotter than solar panels? Solar windows

Researchers and startups are moving forward with plans for windows that generate electricity.

George Monbiot: Watching Don’t Look Up made me see my whole life of campaigning flash before me

George Monbiot: Watching Don’t Look Up made me see my whole life of campaigning flash before me

I’ve broken down on TV, too, trying to explain the horror of the climate crisis we face, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
“Don’t Look Up” was good for climate cinema, even if you hated it
Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

“Don’t Look Up” was good for climate cinema, even if you hated it

As critics debate Adam McKay’s latest film, perhaps the better question is where movies about climate change should go from here.
Peter Kalmus climate don't look up
Photo by Justin W on Unsplash

Peter Kalmus: I’m a climate scientist. Don’t Look Up captures the madness I see every day

A film about a comet hurtling towards Earth and no one is doing anything about it? Sounds exactly like the climate crisis.

bigfoot family climate entertainment

Canadian lobbyists attack Netflix children's film for 'anti-oil propaganda'

Canadian Energy Centre, funded by Alberta government, says Bigfoot Family ‘brainwashes’ youngsters and ‘peddles lies’