Building back greener in Africa
Left unchecked, climate change, environmental destruction, rising sea levels, droughts, floods and other environmental risks could trigger mass migration, increase conflict and disrupt, if not reverse, a decade of economic growth in Africa.
Burkina Faso: Climate change triggers rural exodus
The Sahel is experiencing an overall decrease in rainfall, but also a depletion of soils due to agricultural overexploitation and progressive deforestation of the original savannahs by cutting firewood, bush fires and stray animals.
Climate change is affecting crop yields and reducing global food supplies
Why Clif Bar created a multimillion-dollar fund to help farmers invest in resilience
Organic Green New Deal? Comprehensive climate change policy must address the American food system
How school cafeterias are cutting carbon pollution
Chile has medicine against desertification, but does not take it
The retention of rainwater which otherwise is lost at sea could be an excellent medicine against the advance of the desert from northern to central Chile, but there is no political will to take the necessary actions, according to experts and representatives of affected communities.