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Plastics industry's recycling deception
Credit: MPCA Photos/Flickr

Plastics industry's recycling deception exposed

A new report uncovers decades of misleading claims by plastic producers about the viability of recycling, revealing it as a flawed solution for waste management.

Dharna Noor reports for The Guardian.

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electric vehicle Nikola fraud
Credit: VanderWolf Images/BigStock Photo ID: 463290307

E.V. start-up founder could get prison term in fraud case

Trevor Milton, who founded the truck company Nikola, will be sentenced on Monday in a fraud case that exposed the excesses in the electric vehicle business.
Ohio vote to frack state parks
Paul (unless labeled Cathy!)/Flickr

Ohio commission approves fracking in state parks and wildlife areas despite fraud investigation

A state commission in Ohio has voted to approve fracking for oil and gas drilling in state parks and designated wildlife areas.
avoiding greenwashing scammers
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Copyright: tanaonte
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How to avoid getting scammed by greenwashing

Deceptive eco-marketing techniques prey on consumers looking to make responsible purchases. Follow these tips to avoid getting duped.
cow manure biogas Ponzi scheme

Man is sentenced in $9 million cow manure Ponzi scheme

Raymond Brewer defrauded investors by falsely telling them he was building machines that could convert cow manure into biogas, federal prosecutors said.
billion-dollar solar Ponzi scheme
Ken Bosma/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

The billion-dollar Ponzi scheme that hooked Wall Street, Warren Buffett, and the U.S. Treasury

How a small-town auto mechanic peddling a green-energy breakthrough pulled off a massive scam.

Jordan Peterson professional climate denier

Jordan Peterson’s ‘zombie’ climate contrarianism follows a well-worn path

The psychologist has turned his hand to exposing new audiences to old arguments from climate change deniers.