gov roy cooper
NC petition to curb carbon dioxide emissions advances
An NC commission will consider whether the state should join an initiative reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
Ticks continue creeping southward in NC
The pandemic may have slowed reporting of tick-borne diseases, but the insects are more prevalent than ever and heading south, some carrying new diseases.
New N.C. climate change report: act now
The report casts dire warnings about the effects climate change will have on the state by 2021 and provides a roadmap to resilience.
Hurricane Dorian thrashes farmer’s tobacco crop
After surveying his fields, Jody Clemmons was left wondering if he will have to change how he farms to remain solvent after Dorian inundated his farm.
Matthew & Florence taught NC lessons: Storms like Dorian threaten old people
The perils that older people in NC face during hurricanes are lurking again in Dorian. Professionals & private citizens are working to minimize harm.
For one Brunswick County farmer, it feels like hurricanes “have become the new norm”
Three hurricanes in four growing seasons have taken an economic and emotional toll on many of North Carolina’s farmers, who are wary of Hurricane Dorian.
NC health policy and trends to watch for in 2019
We asked our reporters to take a look in their cloudy crystal balls and tell us what might be the big issues to follow in the coming year.