green roof

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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
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A diverse group of protesters holding signs in support of science stand at a barricade.
A Sámi woman in a fur hat feeds a reindeer from a bucket against a snowy mountain backdrop.
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Los Angeles adapts to heavy storms by becoming a 'sponge city'
Credit: wasi1370/Pixabay

Los Angeles adapts to heavy storms by becoming a 'sponge city'

A supercharged February storm brought record rainfall to Los Angeles, testing and validating new infrastructure designed to absorb water and prevent catastrophic flooding.

Jonathan Thompson reports for High Country News.

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eco-friendly roof nature-based solution

A ‘green’ roof adds insulation and helps manage storm water runoff

A family installed an eco-friendly roof filled with chives, succulents and other plants to manage storm water runoff and add insulation.
living roof urban flooding climate
Image by Aline Dassel from Pixabay

Amsterdam's 'smart' blue-green roofs reduce urban flooding

The city scaled up the planting of self-watering residential rooftop gardens that mitigate flooding and lower temperatures.
climate solutions green roof africa

Growing plants on buildings can reduce heat and produce healthy food in African cities

Green spaces have the potential to reduce heat and, in turn, improve health, especially in vulnerable urban areas.

This campus takes “learning environment” literally

This campus takes “learning environment” literally

At the University of the District of Columbia, sustainable infrastructure is part of the educational experience.

green rooftops climate solutions
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

How green rooftops can help cool off hot cities

Recent research suggests that green roofs — rooftops covered with greenery or other sun-reflecting materials — can reduce heat in cities.

The Netherlands-based Triodos Bank is fully circular

The Netherlands-based Triodos Bank is fully circular

The Netherlands-based Triodos Bank was designed to be fully circular. Instead of being demolished, each piece of the structure will be reused somewhere else.