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Donald Trump
Former US President Joe Biden speaks at a podium with a blue background and British and UN flags alongside him.
A view of a hurricane as seen from space, with the arm of satellite equipment.
The U.S. capitol building in Washington, DC on a sunny day.
Greenhouse expansion unexpectedly cools local climates

Greenhouse expansion unexpectedly cools local climates

As the number of agricultural greenhouses grows worldwide, researchers discover their reflective roofs are cooling local temperatures, presenting an accidental geoengineering effect.

Fred Pearce reports for Yale Environment 360.

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solar panels energy biocrusts
Photo by Lubo Minar on Unsplash

Under solar panels, desert restoration gets a leg up

Delicate biocrusts are used to restore drylands; instead of cultivating them in high-tech greenhouses, researchers are growing them under solar farms.
japanese strawberries climate

The secret behind Japan’s delicious strawberries: Kerosene

The growing season has become completely reversed thanks to kerosene-burning greenhouses and the big prices paid for the earliest, best berries.
Year-round farming in Massachusetts? How the state is investing in solutions

Year-round farming in Massachusetts? How the state is investing in solutions

The state has funded 487 projects, including geothermal-powered greenhouses and electric tractors, to strengthen its food system and make local production more efficient.
An inconvenient truth (about weed)
Photo by Ryan Lange on Unsplash

An inconvenient truth (about weed)

Federal laws bar cannabis from crossing state lines, driving up the cost — and the emissions — of an industry using indoor grow operations.
cannabis farming climate croptober

Can the cannabis industry prepare for a future of climate change?

It is estimated that 2/3 of California's cannabis is grown outdoors. Fires have hindered this Croptober for the West Coast, the outdoor growing capitol of the U.S. Croptober is the time of year when cannabis yields its biggest harvest.

It's time to plant your winter garden

It's time to plant your winter garden

After an early frost failed to kill off his lettuce, Wolfgang Palme realized he'd discovered how to grow vegetables all winter long. Now he wants you to do it too.