grid infrastructure

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clean energy transmission line buildout

Converting to clean energy depends on transmission line buildout

The nation’s network of power lines needs to double or triple in the next decade if the clean energy revolution is to succeed, warn the U.S. Department of Energy, scientists, environmental groups and many policymakers.

renewable energy controversial power lines

Green energy casts a shadow over a cherished English landscape

Residents of East Anglia fear that planned power lines for offshore wind projects will blight their rural idyll.
renewable energy controversial power lines

Green energy casts a shadow over a cherished English landscape

Residents of East Anglia fear that planned power lines for offshore wind projects will blight their rural idyll.
Home battery energy storage
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Home battery energy storage could complicate the grid

An increase in battery storage in homes poses questions for utilities and regulators.
electrification Norway's  North

Norway outlines powerful electrification of its North

Major investments in renewables, new power lines and emission cuts are to set stage for an industrial revival of the country's northernmost Finnmark region.
grid bottleneck & energy transition

A bottleneck on the grid threatens clean energy. New rules aim to help.

It takes five years to connect a new wind or solar farm to the electric grid. New federal rules would only partly resolve the issue, experts say.
congested power grid  transmission lines

As Texas cranks up the AC, congested transmission lines cause renewable power to go to waste

Solar and wind input is setting records, but the state’s inefficient grid is unable to handle the full load it could deliver in the ongoing heat wave. Consumers are paying the price.