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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
BC herring fishery comeback

Welcoming herring home

In Howe Sound, British Columbia, a new generation of stewards is keeping careful tabs on the comeback efforts of a tiny fish with big cultural value.
Alaska’s herring row

Alaska’s herring row

The tiny fish is central to Tlingit culture and to sustainable ecosystems. Overfishing threatens both.

climate impacts humpback ecosystem biodiversity

How climate change is reducing numbers of humpback whale calves in the north-west Atlantic

Climate change is affecting the whole ecosystem that humpback whales depend on for food, which is making it harder for females to sustain pregnancies.
A 450-year record of north sea herring, pried from clams

A 450-year record of north sea herring, pried from clams

Chemical analysis of the shells of long-lived North Sea ocean quahogs unveils hundreds of years of environmental change.

Bait crisis could take the steam out of lobster this summer

Bait crisis could take the steam out of lobster this summer

The boom times for the U.S. lobster industry are imperiled this year because of a shortage of a little fish that has been luring the crustaceans into traps for hundreds of years.

Climate change pushing killer whales to migrate north

Climate change pushing killer whales to migrate north

Paying no attention to nearby divers, a killer whale and her calf hunting for food frolic in a snowy Norwegian fjord.