Report details climate change threats to Montana's outdoor economy
A report commissioned by the advocacy group Montana Wildlife Federation looks at how climate change could lead to loss of jobs and labor earnings for outdoor industries like hunting, fishing, tourism and recreation.
Beloved grizzly Otis was again late for salmon season. Blame climate change
Whales help store carbon. Scientists are trying to figure out just how much
Beyond concerns over the impact of reduced whale populations on marine ecosystems, there’s now increased attention being paid to the role they have in helping the fight against climate change.
Narwhals' hungry summers as climate warms
Conservation communication: Time to rethink the word ‘poacher’?
Bringing back the beasts: Global rewilding plans take shape
With a growing number of studies demonstrating the importance of large mammals to healthy ecosystems, scientists are proposing concrete plans to reintroduce these animals to the wild.
Moose population boom, linked to climate change, inspires some hunting changes
In the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge the moose population has increased a whopping 400-fold since the early 1990s, from just a handful a few decades ago to about 2,000 animals now. The reason appears clear: climate change.