intergovernmental panel on climate change
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Why solving climate change is not an issue where we ‘succeed or fail’
A climate reporter explains the findings of a distressing report and why the crisis never really fades from the news cycle, even if it seems otherwise.
Sambhav Sankar: The Supreme Court is pursuing a very dangerous strategy for the environment
The court’s conservative majority seems intent on pursuing an agenda that would limit the federal government’s ability to shield the planet.
Alex Veilleux: Utah’s emergency drought declaration is an emergency climate declaration
Climate change is here, affecting Utahns, and happening now. Reacting to our drought emergency via water conservation measures is a good first step but not enough.
Photo by JOHANNA MONTOYA on Unsplash
We have the tools to slow warming
We actually have a better shot than we did a few years ago, according to a new United Nations report. But powerful interests stand in the way.
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Stopping climate change is doable, but time is short, U.N. panel warns
A major new scientific report offers a road map for how countries can limit global warming, but warns that the margin for error is vanishingly small.
Farhana Yamin’s journey from climate summits to street protests
After a high-profile career as an international lawyer and negotiator, Farhana Yamin decided “we cannot rely on lawyers and diplomats alone.”
Kirsten James: IPCC paints a bleak picture for water – but there is a way forward
Despite their dark assessment, the IPCC scientists give us hope by saying “there is still time to act.” But how?