land clearing
Brazilian police doing little to combat destruction of the Amazon's unprotected lands, report finds
In the past six years, Brazil’s Federal Police have undertaken just a handful of operations to stem the destruction of unprotected lands in the Amazon Rainforest, according to a new report.
In the face of losses, a new vision for Brazil’s Amazon is taking shape
The development model for the Brazilian Amazon has most often meant clearing the rainforest to build something from scratch, whether timber operations, mines, cattle pastures or soybean fields. But what if Brazil chose a different path?
Panama’s Indigenous groups wage high-tech fight for their lands
With help from U.S. organizations, Panama’s Indigenous people are using satellite images and other technologies to identify illegal logging and incursions by ranchers on their territory. But getting the government to act is far harder.
The Brazilian Amazon is burning, again
In recent weeks, nine major fires have ignited in the Brazilian Amazon, heralding the start of another fire season which, after a particularly dry year, experts say could be a bad one.
Drugs, fire, settlers poised to wipe out one of Paraguay’s most biodiverse forests
San Rafael National Park/Proposed National Reserve encompasses one of the most unique, biodiverse and threatened forests in Paraguay.
Humans have ‘stressed out’ Earth far longer, and more dramatically, than realized
A study of ancient pollen reveals that millennia of human activities transformed Earth's ecosystems as quickly as when the Ice Age ended.