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Missouri may impose new restrictions on water exports

Missouri may impose new restrictions on water exports

Missouri legislators are moving forward with a bill that would restrict water exports to address internal drought concerns and prevent resource depletion by water-stressed western states.

Scott Dance reports for The Washington Post.

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missouri coal plant
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Ameren seeks to shutter Missouri coal plant early, recoup investment from ratepayers

Missouri’s largest electric provider hopes to use a state law meant to help utilities add renewable energy to close a coal plant found in violation of federal clean air laws.

Seizing the clean energy opportunity: Missouri's time to shine

Seizing the clean energy opportunity: Missouri's time to shine

Let us not be remembered as the generation that hesitated and clung to the past, but as the one that ushered in a cleaner future for all.
emanuel cleaver missouri regional haze

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver wants the federal government to throw out Missouri’s regional haze plan

Congressional representatives from St. Louis and Kansas City and environmental groups argue the state’s plan doesn’t make meaningful attempts to reduce the pollution that causes haze.
climate anxiety emotions

Worried about climate change, you may have eco-anxiety

Over two-thirds of Americans have experienced eco-anxiety, according to a 2019 survey from the American Psychological Association.

sulful dioxide pollution missouri

Sulfur dioxide pollution in the Bootheel breaks EPA rules. Regulators look to fix it

A coal-fired power plant must cut emissions and an aluminum smelter must spend millions to rid a community in Missouri’s Bootheel of sulfur dioxide pollution by 2026 under a deal with state environmental regulators.

Making room for the river: Communities look at nature-based solutions
Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

Making room for the river: Communities look at nature-based solutions

Many communities are shifting away from traditional flood mitigation tactics to make room for the water instead.