monarch butterfly decline

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monarch butterflies climate

Mexico’s monarch butterflies are falling victim to a real-life butterfly effect

From one decade to the next, Mexico lost more than half of the monarchs that spend winters here, according to data from the World Wide Fund for Nature

Climate change responsible for recent decline of eastern monarch butterflies

Climate change responsible for recent decline of eastern monarch butterflies

The population of eastern monarch butterflies has been dropping steadily for decades, with some estimates suggesting their numbers are just 20 percent of what they once were. According to a new study, climate change is the biggest driver.

California’s monarch butterflies are down 99%. Can this plant help?

California’s monarch butterflies are down 99%. Can this plant help?

A coalition of conservation groups have partnered with the state to add 30,000 milkweed plants in an attempt to restore the species’ population.
Stephanie Kurose: The Monarch butterfly emergency unfolding before our eyes

Stephanie Kurose: The Monarch butterfly emergency unfolding before our eyes

Pesticides, climate change, and habitat destruction have put North American monarchs in a freefall. A proposed bill might help save them—but only if Congress acts quickly.
New clues to help monarch conservation efforts

New clues to help monarch conservation efforts

Planting milkweed can help monarch butterflies, but new research shows that there’s still a lot we can learn about how to do that effectively.
Monarch butterfly numbers decline for second year in a row

Monarch butterfly numbers decline for second year in a row

The iconic monarch butterfly travels thousands of miles south to overwinter in Mexico. But factors including the changing climate are challenging its existence — new figures show it's declined 15 percent from last year.