Georgia sets $1.5B in aid for electric vehicle maker Rivian
The state of Georgia and local governments will give Rivian Automotive $1.5 billion of incentives to build a 7,500-job, $5 billion electric vehicle plant east of Atlanta, according to documents the company and state signed Monday.
Gov. DeSantis pledges $1B to protect Florida against effects of climate change
Governor DeSantis said $1 billion will be available through Resilient Florida, a program put in place by the governor earlier this year that aims to prepare communities for the impacts of climate change.
I-TEAM: Email reveals how much coal ash has leaked from stranded barge
Geoengineering a cooler planet to stop global warming
What if particles were injected into the atmosphere and filtered sunlight to the point of reducing solar heating. Could this reduce global warming?
World Meteorological Organization might start hurricane season 2 weeks earlier
UN: Warming planet helps spread pandemics
Coronavirus has much in common with other viruses that have caused or threatened major pandemics, and climate change is playing a role in driving new health dangers and proliferating these viruses.