oxygen depletion

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diatom archive reconstructs historical coastline
Kevin Dooley/Flickr

Philadephia’s diatom archive is a way, way, wayback machine

A cache of phytoplankton held at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University is helping to reconstruct historical coastlines.
Warming oceans may be choking off oxygen to starfish

Warming oceans may be choking off oxygen to starfish, causing them to 'drown'

Warming ocean temperatures are fueling increases in organic material and bacteria that suck up oxygen in these watery habitats.
Sargassum seaweed ecosystem damage

Entangled: How a global seaweed ‘plague’ threatens West Africa's coastline

From the Gulf of Guinea to the mouth of the Senegal River, a sprawling shroud of seaweed is choking coastal ecosystems and the fishing communities that depend on them.

Striped bass decline spurs new look at mycobacteria

Striped bass decline spurs new look at mycobacteria

Chronic wasting disease infects most of the striped bass in the Chesapeake.

High flows to Chesapeake Bay continued in July

High flows to Chesapeake Bay continued in July

The pollution carried into the Bay has led to worse than normal water quality and last month triggered a large oxygen-starved "dead zone" in the Bay.

John Kerry: ‘World leaders not doing enough to protect oceans’

John Kerry: ‘World leaders not doing enough to protect oceans’

The former US secretary of state is leading the global effort to halt the decline of marine environments.

As some sea star populations make a comeback, scientists may have found cause of ‘wasting disease’

As some sea star populations make a comeback, scientists may have found cause of ‘wasting disease’

Scientists once thought it was caused by a virus or another pathogen, but now they think it may actually be another sign of climate change.