
Top Tweets
Judges' interpretations of the law significantly impact climate policy
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Houston tackles cleanup after Gulf Coast storm damages city
Earth stays above 1.5°C warming for a year
Lawmakers push to ban Russian oil imports, amid White House resistance

Lawmakers push to ban Russian oil imports, amid White House resistance

Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill are pursuing the ban to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, but the White House is opposed, warning of energy price spikes.
House passes the largest expenditure on climate in U.S. history

House passes the largest expenditure on climate in U.S. history

The $555 billion package is designed to lure the country away from fossil fuels. It faces an uncertain path in the Senate.
‘America is back' Pelosi says at Glasgow climate talks

‘America is back' Pelosi says at Glasgow climate talks

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was among a group of Democratic lawmakers who traveled with Ms. Pelosi to barnstorm the COP26 climate summit.
nancy pelosi climate politics
Photo by Elijah Mears on Unsplash

Pelosi presents ‘far-reaching’ legislation to fight climate change

Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, led a delegation of nearly two dozen Democratic representatives at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow to promote United States plans to combat climate change.
House Democrats push environmental bills, but victories are few

House Democrats push environmental bills, but victories are few

Climate and environmental activists are growing impatient with a Democratic-led House that they view as not doing enough to enact their agenda.
Pelosi takes easiest path on climate. Will she do more?

Pelosi takes easiest path on climate. Will she do more?

The climate bill that House Democrats plan to vote on this week wouldn't reduce a single ton of greenhouse gas emissions.
House Democratic campaign arm nears war with liberals over primary fights

House Democratic campaign arm nears war with liberals over primary fights

Liberal Democrats are infuriated by a new Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee policy intended to protect centrist incumbents from primary challenges.