population density
Cities really can be both denser and greener
Megalopolis: how coastal west Africa will shape the coming century
The long read: By the end of the century, Africa will be home to 40% of the world’s population – and nowhere is this breakneck-pace development happening faster than this 600-mile stretch between Abidjan and Lagos.
Israel to lose 10 percent of open spaces by 2050 unless birthrate drops, experts say
This is one of the conclusions of a recent study on population density in the country, whose authors say only by curbing population growth and using land more efficiently can Israel hope to slow the transformation of open spaces into roads and buildings.
Worried about Earth's future? Well, the outlook is worse than even scientists can grasp
Urban density is not the problem
Despite ample evidence that urbanites live longer and healthier lives than their counterparts in rural areas, the spread of the coronavirus - and New York City's tragic experience in particular - has fueled a dubious association between population density and contagion.
Rising urban space demands squeeze out farmers
More people than ever now live in cities. Their growing urban space demands devour farmland, bad news for tomorrow's hungry world.