Editorialwww.flickr.com The Colorado River crisis demands smart solutions Leadership and investment now could spare parched states an enormous amount of grief in the future.
Newsletter Photo by Bill Mead on Unsplash Editorial: The U.S. does not need to alienate its allies to green its economy The U.S. is offending its international partners as it tries to clean up its economy. It should be working with them instead.
Causes Photo by Dibakar Roy on Unsplash Editorial: The Egypt climate conference showed progress on warming is in jeopardy The U.N. process that relies on big nations’ voluntary efforts still represents the world’s best chance to limit climate devastation.
Causescommons.wikimedia.org Editorial: The world is behind on climate change. But do not lose hope The war to keep the planet inhabitable is still worth waging.
Solutionswww.flickr.com Editorial: Democrats should embrace Joe Manchin’s ‘big oil side deal’ Democrats should embrace the reform — not hold up government funding in a gratuitous squabble.
Causescommons.wikimedia.org Editorial: Climate change is melting Greenland and Antarctica's ice. Time to act Over the course of this century, countless millions of people will have to reckon with rising seas. There are few easy answers, but humanity must prepare now.
Causeswww.robins.af.mil Editorial: Global heat waves should be a climate change warning Slashing global warming will be challenging, but if we fail the cost would be far more daunting.
Op-ed: “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you” — disabling environments in Cancer Alley and the Ohio River Valley