Newsletter Photo by Thomas Richter on Unsplash Do wind farms really affect property values? A new study provides the most substantial answer to date For years, opponents of wind energy development have argued that the projects lead to a decrease in property values, despite the companies proposing the projects saying there was almost no evidence to support such claims. Rising seas could swallow 650,000 privately-owned properties by 2050 Rising seas could swallow millions of U.S. acres — and 650,000 privately-owned buildings — by 2050, according to an analysis published Thursday.
Impacts Should the government buy and rent out coastal homes? More frequent flooding will make coastal areas uninhabitable. How can the government help residents manage that risk—and prepare for those floods?
Impacts These maps show coastal flooding scenarios through 2100 By 2050, some coastal cities could have flooding every day of the year.
Politics How climate change could spark the next home mortgage disaster Taxpayers are backing more than a trillion dollars in home mortgages, but the agencies buying them are neglecting to consider climate risks.
Impacts Paul Bodnar, Tamara Grbusic: Your climate disaster tax bill is growing The federal government’s spending on calamities related to global warming is a rapidly rising fiscal threat.
Politics 'Sea-level rise won't affect my house' – even flood maps don't sway Florida coastal residents Can maps of people's flooded properties convince them that rising sea level is a threat?