santa barbara

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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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fashion industry’s plastic waste
Fires, then floods: Risk of deadly climate combination rises

Fires, then floods: Risk of deadly climate combination rises

A new study found that the dangerous pairing of disasters may become more common in the American West as rains trigger runaway surges of mud and debris in areas damaged by wildfire.
climate drought water impacts
Photo by Joshua Brown on Unsplash

Is it time to change the definition of drought?

In coming decades, many regions of the world will enter permanent dry or wet conditions under modern definitions of drought, according to new research. The findings reveal the importance of rethinking how we classify these events as well as how we respond to them.

santa barbara climate solutions

Santa Barbara approves sea-level rise adaptation plan

The global climate crisis continues to exacerbate many precarious environmental issues, and for coastal cities like Santa Barbara, the detrimental impacts of rising temperatures on flooding and erosion are all too apparent.

americans climate crisis coronavirus

Americans see climate as a concern, even amid coronavirus crisis

Americans' positions on climate change have remained largely unshaken by the coronavirus pandemic and economic crisis, according to a new national survey that showed acceptance of the reality of global warming at record highs in some categories.

Americans see climate as a concern, even amid coronavirus crisis

Americans see climate as a concern, even amid coronavirus crisis

Researchers thought COVID-19 might displace climate change as a threat in the American mind. It hasn't, according to a new survey.

How dead trees help forests tolerate drought

How dead trees help forests tolerate drought

Some forests, particularly in more arid regions, have become more drought tolerant, primarily thanks to the death of less hardy trees.
Pollution cuts can prevent coral bleaching when things get hot

Pollution cuts can prevent coral bleaching when things get hot

Reducing nutrient pollution can help prevent coral from bleaching during moderate heatwaves, researchers report.