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the portlands carbon emissions
Photo by Evan Simons on Unsplash

Province trumps Toronto to raise Portlands production, pollution

The twin smokestacks at the Portlands will be belching out more smoke more often in the coming years, increasing air pollution in downtown Toronto and ramping up carbon emissions, as the gas plant has been given the go-ahead to boost its electricity generation.

natural gas plant windsor ontario

Windsor council endorses new gas plants — despite declaring a ‘climate emergency’

Despite having declared a climate emergency and called for a phase-out of natural gas-fired electricity generation, Windsor city council has now endorsed the construction of two new gas plants.

climate impacts heat dome

Why we can now blame the deadly heat dome and the Lytton, B.C. fire on climate change

The deadly heat wave that struck Western Canada in 2021 would have been virtually impossible without human-induced climate warming, a new study has found.

newfoundland fires climate impacts

Newfoundland wildfires could be sign of what climate change has in store for province

A climatologist says the wildfires that have been burning for more than two weeks in central Newfoundland could be a sign of what’s to come as the province feels the impacts of climate change.

maple syrup producers climate impacts

Maple syrup producers see climate change as a threat to industry’s future

Syrup producers are recording declining yields due to increasing global temperatures, which are leading to more invasive pests, sap that is less sugary and shorter harvesting periods than the normal four-to-six-week season.
riparian zones biodiversity climate

Revegetating riparian zones helps mitigate impacts of climate change

Healthy riparian zones are rich in biodiversity. They filter runoff to provide clean water, control erosion and reduce the amount of sediment entering a water body. They also manage storm water and control flooding, provide habitat for wildlife and shade to cool the water.

climate impacts alberta

Climate change and giant Alberta fire’s legacy of anxiety

It’s been six years since the massive fire known as The Beast tore through Canada’s largest oil and gas hub, causing the costliest natural disaster in this country’s history.