strategic oil reserves

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Congress passed funding bill without disaster aid despite looming hurricane
Alaska Native community moves to escape climate-driven permafrost loss
Hilton, Marriott and Chipotle fund climate opposition despite public green goals
CNX’s controversial fracking study sparks debate in Pennsylvania
Thomas Friedman: Putin is onto us

Thomas Friedman: Putin is onto us

When it comes to energy, the West wants five incompatible things at once.
Biden expands effort to lower gas prices and secure energy independence

Biden expands effort to lower gas prices and secure energy independence

Depleting emergency oil reserves spurs criticism that the White House is trying to lower gas prices with midterm election politics in mind.
Oil execs to Trump: Whose side are you on?

Oil execs to Trump: Whose side are you on?

An industry that once enjoyed the president’s favor now cringes when it hears him celebrate low prices for consumers.